Sommaren 2013 reste hela familjen till 10-årsjubilet av den första släktträffen med våra Amerikanska och Kanadensiska släktingar. Resan varade dagarna 17-28 juli och under dessa dagar utforskade vi SanFrancisco med omnejd. Själva släktträffen ägde rum under tre dagar vid sjön Tahoe. Resan bjöd på flera fantastiska upplevelser vilka några är dokumenterade i nedanstående bildspel.
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In the summer of 2013 traveled the whole family to the 10 th anniversary of the first family reunion with our U.S. and Canadian relatives. The trip lasted day July 17 to 28, and in those days we explored SanFrancisco vicinity. The reunion took place over three days at Lake Tahoe. The trip offered several amazing experiences which some are documented in the following slideshow.
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Karin & Anna in the aircraft to SFO.
Martin & Daniel in the aircraft to SFO.
African blue lily at Lombard Street
Anna preparing for exploring San Francisco
Mel's Drive in Restaurant
Daniel having a Caffe Latte at Mel's
Looking down from the Golden Gate bridge
Towards Tiburon Uplands Nature Preserve
Flouting Homes at Sausalito
Flouting Homes at Sausalito
Small garden at Flouting Homes, Sausalito
Flouting Homes at Sausalito
Tomales Bay resort at Inverness
Tomales Bay resort at Inverness
Waiting at Tartine Bakery San Francisco
Martin showing the bread he ordered from Tartine Bakery San Francisco
Martin is investigating the sourdough bread
Pizza place #1 is Una Pizza Napoletana
At Una Pizza Napoletana, three kind of Pizzas only.
Anna prepare for going to Lake Tahoe
Mel's Drive in Restaurant
Sacramento Old town on the way to Lake Tahoe
Cache reloading
Martin admiring the view during small stop on the way to Lake Tahoe
Updated T-sirts for the Norgren reunion
Breakfast at Diane's house in South Lake Tahoe
View from Diane's balcony
Reunion at Nevada Beach Campground
Reunion at Nevada Beach Campground
Fun in the water, Reunion at Nevada Beach Campground
Fun in the water, Reunion at Nevada Beach Campground
Fun in the water, Reunion at Nevada Beach Campground
Reunion at Nevada Beach Campground
Reunion at Nevada Beach Campground
Reunion at Nevada Beach Campground
Second day reunion at South Lake Tahoe Skate Park
The Swedish party, second day reunion at South Lake Tahoe Skate Park
Nathaniel, Jennifer, Peggy and Carson, Second day reunion at South Lake Tahoe Skate Park
NIce bath after a worm day
Canada Goose a frequent visitor at Lake Tahoe
Daniel's new house in Nevada
View from Daniel's new house in Nevada
Lunch in Bridgeport Village
Lake Nano
Lake Nano
Flowers at Lake Nano
Lake Nano
On the way to Yosemite National Park
Yosemite National Park
Yosemite National Park
Staying at Travelodge in MontereySee Utter in the port of Monterey
See Utter in the port of Monterey
Monterey beach
Boardwalk south Monterey
Huge Aloe Vera south of Monterey
Karin testing water temperature
Night photo at Travelodge in Monterey
Visit to Pebble beach Golf Club
18th hole at Pebble beach Golf Club
Karin and Martin checking the speed of the green at Del Monte Golf Club
Golf at Del Monte Golf course with Karin, Martin, Leif and Billy.
At Monterey Aquarium
See nettle with stinging tentacles, Monterey Aquarium
Playing See Utters, Monterey Aquarium
Odd looking See hourse, Monterey Aquarium
Shrimps & See hourses, Monterey Aquarium
On the balcony, Monterey Aquarium
Beringer vine yard in St Helena
Family house of Beringer vine yard in St Helena
Pitches, Beringer vine yard in St Helena
Grapes, Beringer vine yard in St Helena
Grapes, Beringer vine yard in St Helena
Castello Di Amorosa Vine Yard
Traffic on the way to Oakland
Our hotel in Oakland
View from hotel window towards San Francisco
Hand painted Porsche in the parking lot of the hotel
Giant ferns in Golden Gate Bridge Park
Giant pine in Golden Gate Bridge Park
Presidio of San Francisco
Presidio of San Francisco
Crissy Field
Presidio of San Francisco with the Golden Gate bridge in the centre
Alcatraz island
Queue to Lombard Street
Sea lion at pier 39
John came visiting us in Oakland
Boat to Alcatraz
Alcatraz prison
Alcatraz cell
Alcatraz documentation
Isolation cells
Isolation cells
Markes in the floor after grenade explosion
Five people escaped fro the prison through holes made by a spoon
Uniform of Alcatraz
Wardens house was burnt down
The of San Francisco from the Rock
Homes for the guards at Alcatraz
Leaving Alcatraz
The gate to China Town in San Francisco
China Town
China Town
Last breakfast i Oakland
The pool at the hotel
Waiting at the SFO airport for departure